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The agriculture of the future is here today

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In 1999 Dickson Despommier, a Columbia University microbiology professor, was the first one to develop  the idea of Vertical Farms proposing that in 50 years the world would be producing half of their food in Vertical Farms.


In only 19 years this new technology has evolved and acquired recognition among world investment capitals and been considered as one of the Mayor Investment Opportunity of Modern History.

 Oscar Palacios


The world is in unprecedented crisis because our civilization is not conscience e of the waste we generate and the non-renewable resources that we consume with each of our actions, each hour of each day of our existence leaving a deep negative footprint in the planet. Global Warming has been the focus of attention of science and politics for about two decades now and a lot has been said about its consequences; however is not even close to the biggest danger that Ocean’s warming is causing to humanity by stopping oxygen production from marine phytoplankton photosynthesis that is already inducing the global atmospheric O2 depletion that will result in mass mortality of animals and humans.


There’s oxygen from ocean phytoplankton in every breath we take and this plants contribute between 50 to 85 percent of the oxygen in the Earth’s atmosphere. However an increase in the water temperature of the world’s oceans of around 6°C (which some scientists predict could occur as soon as 2100), could stop oxygen production. Direct measurements has also shown that oxygen levels in the world’s oceans have been falling rapidly for the past 50 years at higher rates (2 to 4 times) the amount of CO2  increasing from burning fossil fuels. To put the ocean phytoplankton crisis into a terrestrial perspective in each 5 year span over the past 50 years an equivalent amount of ocean green plant life and photosynthesis has been eradicated as if an entire Amazon Rainforest were cut down. So in the past 50 years we have eradicated the equivalent to 10 entire Amazon Rainforests while ironically the world is full of alarm and concern about the present state of the Amazon because it has suffered a loss of just 20% of its trees. But the most disturbing fact is that although in 2015 the world emerged victorious with the transcendental first ever global accord in the fight against global warming, where in Paris, representatives from 196 countries agreed to decrease the use of fossil fuels that generate heat-trapping greenhouse gas emissions so far, the climate target that Western governments have agreed on is not even close to being achieved. 


However many of our new systems design could transcend and be apply together with new technological alternatives already in use with an excellent track record  to many aspects of our everyday life in order to feed our world and stop the current Global Warming that is changing our planet in to an anaerobic world. Today we have available new alternative technologies already in use with an excellent track records that can eradicate the use of fossil fuels. The Solar and Eolic technologies and the Electric-Vehicle markets are amped up and on the rise with more competitive prices every day. The zero waste/use concept applied in new waste management systems can be an effective, sustainable and practical solution to the problem of GHG emission from the garbage in the cities generating environmental damages when methane gas is released in to the atmosphere at landfills do to the organic matter decomposed. This  It is so efficient that in terms of CO2 equivalent emissions per ton of food waste, landfill incurred (+) 536 Kg per ton of food waste while anaerobic digesters avoid (-) 162 Kg per ton of food waste. Solid Oxide Fuel Cell technology, an electrochemical reaction that uses biogas can provide enough electric power to meet the base load needed for 160 average homes day and night and gasless AC without leaving a carbon foot print in the environment from a basic server that roughly occupies a parking space. This technology is successfully used in companies such as Google, Apple, NASA, Coca Cola, FedEx, AT&T, Nokia, Yahoo, Caltech Honda, Kellogg's and Panasonic among others. Gasless cold air for refrigeration in food conservation rooms or for a water harvesting system from the humidity in the air can also be produced. Even more, the resulting sludge in the anaerobic digesters can be turned into biochar an extraordinary organic fertilizer that can transform poor nutrient and depleted soils in highly productive ones and resistant to extreme droughts and flood and if added to 10% of global cultivated lands in the world could sequester the equivalent of 29 billion ton of CO2 (a proximally equal to the annual emission of greenhouse gases generated by humanity) and with an absolute independence from pollutant non-renewable conventional energy sources, using less water and a new operational and marketing strategy to increase profits, we will set the upscale environmental and economic feasibility that will allow us to produce, in less than 10% of the total world cultivated lands all the organic food that will be needed to feed an overpopulated world that in 2050 will total over 9 billion people  of this proposals and constitute the starting point to reach the capacity to produce the food we will need in the next decades and beyond with controlled environment technologies and operational adaptations capable of executing tillage with accurate swiftness, performance and minimal operational personnel and new green, organic food technology processing systems for organic value-added products using no chemical preservatives and stabilizer and new green recyclable, non-toxic biodegradable and bio-plastics packing’s.  


These characteristics match the new technological concepts that have evolved as the new tendency among world investment capitals that consider investing in these new technologies as one of the Mayor Investment Opportunity in Modern History predicting that capital markets will play a relevant roll in the way their money flows will be driven in favor of new technological concepts or companies in transition towards a more sustainable future. As these new technologies reaches a total eradication of waste and GHG releases to the environment and achieve a Climate Change reversal they will have a relevant attractive and priority to access significant investments while half way solutions that advertise them self as ecological alternative will be relegated with less priority. This way world capitals will be promoted to flow towards this new way of producing our food, substituting the old ways for new sustainable ones that will allow the Paris agreements to happen on a global scale for a realistic and effective way, together with the elimination of the use of fossil fuels, of reversing climate change and win the climate fight.


Welcome to the Aquaponias de Venezuela Foundation website. Through our sections you’ll learn about the new way to produce the organic food we will require in the future in any latitude in the planet and under any climate condition using 1% or less of the water use in traditional agriculture without releasing any waste in to the environment or greenhouse gases generating the conditions for Global Warming reversal and avoid the Climate Change devastating consequences previously presented in our feature article of investigation. Our articles in the research articles page will educate you on what Climate Change means for humanity and our planet as well as how we will be able to face such challenge with the solution we are proposing. You will be able to understand why and how our new technological concept has reach a significant development to become different to any other new agriculture technology and why this is a feasible concept that makes the difference with value added organic products, excellent profitability and the level of sustainability that has place it today as the most eligible among investment capitals to be one of the Mayor Investment Opportunity in Modern History!    

This time we would like to extend a special invitation to checkout our new section called ¨Technologies that Transcends¨ in which you will discover the universe of new alternative technologies that will allow us to eliminate and reverse the negative ecological footprint that has been left by traditional practices in our planet and create modern societies with green economies, ecological conservation criteria’s and totally sustainable with the purpose to provide humanity and their future generations a coexistence within an advance world where man happiness in equilibrium with the environment will be of maximum priority to preserve our Blue-Green Planet. 


Our research article will educate you on this new concept within the frame of the Global Warming and Climate Change effects induce by traditional agriculture and other anthropogenic causes that post a real and imminent danger to our planet and humanity as well as the real sustainable solutions we are raising. You will understand why and how our new technological concept has reach a transcendental evolution that makes us different to any other agriculture technology. You will also will realize why this is a feasible concept that makes the difference with value added organic products, an excellent ratability and the level of sustainability that place us today among investment capitals as the fittest to be one of the Major Investment Opportunity of Modern History.

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